Request a counselling appointment

This form is for self-referrals.  If you are wanting to request a counselling appointment for yourself or a loved one – you’ve come to the right place.


If you are a Healthcare Professional wanting to make a referral for your client, please submit a Referral Form. Go to the Healthcare Professionals page for more information.


This Request-an-appointment form takes an approximately 10 mins to complete, so get comfortable. The good news is that there is an option to save and return later.


If you select the ‘Save Your Progress’ button you will be presented a security code on screen that you will need to re-enter when you want to continue with completing the form. 

Your Details

Is it OK to say who we are when leaving a message?*
Date of Birth*
Do you feel concerned for your safety or the safety of your child/children or someone else? *

IMPORTANT: Wingspan is not a crisis center and our office opening hours vary. If anyone is in immediate danger call 111 and ask for Police. They will arrange protection and support.

If you’re in danger but it’s not safe for you to speak: Stay silent, call 111 then push 55. You will be put through to Police automatically. Listen carefully to the questions and instructions from the call taker so they can assess your call and arrange assistance for you.

For Suicide Crisis Helpline: 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO).

For Youthline: 0800 376 633, Text 234 or email

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